Thursday, April 9, 2009

Nebula Easter Eggs

Hi everybody! I did something super awesome today! I colored the Easter eggs with mom, dad and my grandma! Guess what? We made some of the eggs sparkly using special sparkly paint – that was very cool! But I would like to tell you how you can make colorful eggs with the normal colors you buy in the store - we call those Nebula Easter Eggs. Can you guess why? Because they look like nebulas in space.

Before you start with the coloring make sure that you cover the table with few plastic bags so you don’t make a mess. Also, you can ask your mom or dad to give you painter’s gloves to protect your hands. Of course if you want to have your hands all colored you don’t need those :)

Here are the two ways to make Nebula Easter Eggs.

Nebula Easter Eggs #1

For those you need some kitchen paper and cotton balls. If you can find bigger piece of cotton it is even better however we weren’t able to find any in the stores around. Here is what you do:
  1. Put the kitchen paper on the table and place the cotton balls to each other on the paper.
    Making Nebula Easter Eggs
    Making Nebula Easter Eggs
  2. With a spoon pour different colors on the cotton balls. Try not to pour the colors one over the other but try to moisten all cotton balls.
    Making Nebula Easter Eggs
  3. Once you have the cotton balls wet put the egg on top of them and wrap it up with the kitchen paper making sure there are cotton balls all around the egg.

    Making Nebula Easter Eggs
    Making Nebula Easter Eggs
  4. Leave the egg sitting wrapped for 5-10 minutes.
  5. When you unwrap it it will be nicely colored and look like… nebula :) Isn’t it nice?
    Nebula Easter Egg
  6. You can put some cooking oil on a kitchen paper and polish the egg - it will look shinier.
    Nebula Easter Egg

Nebula Easter Eggs #2

This one is much simpler and cleaner :) Get some cooking oil and do the following:
  1. Put one spoon cooking oil in every color.
  2. Let the egg sitting in one of the colors for a couple of minutes. Try putting it in a lighter color first.
  3. Take out the egg and let it dry.
  4. When the egg is dry put it in another color for couple of minutes.
  5. You can try few different colors but make sure you let the egg dry between the colors.
You don’t need to use oil to polish this one because it already has enough oil on it:) Here is how it may look like at the end:
Nebula Easter Egg
And here is our collection:
Nebula Easter Eggs
It was sooo much fun coloring the eggs and I hope you have fun coloring your Easter eggs too! Let me know whether you like my Nebula Easter Eggs or you can send me pictures of yours.


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